It also concerns the minerals-rich countries, from Chile and Mongolia to Canada and Australia, which earn a significant proportion of their income from mining tax and royalties. 这一趋势还将影响矿产资源丰富的国家,如智利、蒙古、加拿大、澳大利亚等,这些国家有一大部分收入来自矿产税以及矿区土地使用费。
Foreign individuals who derive income from author's remuneration, royalties, interest, dividends, bonuses, the lease of property, transfer of property, contingent income and income from other sources inside china. 从中国境内取得稿酬所得,特许权使用费所得,利息、股息、红利所得,财产租赁所得,财产转让所得,偶然所得和其他所得的外籍人员。
In the case of income from royalties, the income derived from each instance of licensing a licensing right; 特许权使用费所得,以一项特许权的一次许可使用所取得的收入为一次。
Income from remuneration for personal services, royalties, interest, dividends, bonuses and the lease of property and other income shall be taxed at a flat rate of20 percent. 劳务报酬所得,特许权使用费所得,利息、股息、红利所得,财产租赁所得和其它所得,适用比例税率,税率为百分之二十。